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Contact Improvisation

Image credit: Daniel Lukehurst's Various Creations


Contact Improvisation is a deeply physical experience, even in the moments when we appear to be doing very little, and it's here that I find language meets its limitations. Practicing contact improvisation is where I feel the biggest shifts that filter into my daily life. In CI we practice the action of holding and being held, being in counter-balance, surrendering to gravity. We learn how momentum can be our playful friend and that the peripheral is as integral as the central. We dance with and within all the in-betweenness of bodies and space. It is a profound enquiry into the intersection of self and other, that which when attended to is never stagnant but always moving, and calls on the body to be at its most intelligent.


Image credit: Ydance Scotland

Molly has been practising Contact Improvisation (CI) since 2015. First discovering a keen physical and philosophical interest in CI at the Scottish School of Contemporary Dance with teacher Lee Aing and continuing at London Contemporary Dance School with teachers such as Jovair Longo, Rick Nodine, Simonetta Alessandri and Annie Lok and regularly attending the weekly Friday evening Contact Jams at The Place. Towards the end of Molly's time at school, Molly took a more active role in the organising of the Jam. Since Graduating, Molly has taught Contact Improvisation around Scotland, including at The Edinburgh Jam, The Glasgow Jam and Scottish Dance Theatre. 

Since April 2020, Molly has joined Nina Enemark and in continuing to run and facilitate The Glasgow Jam, originally founded by Penny Chivas and Tom Pritchard in 2013. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, The Glasgow Jam first went online to facilitate remote solo improvisation sessions, through the lens of CI. The online sessions have now ended and currently The Glasgow Jam has not started meeting regularly as of yet.
For more information you can email or get regular updates by joining the Facebook group: The Glasgow Jam
If you are interested in inviting me to teach or facilitate a contact improvisation class or jam, please to not hesitate to get in touch!

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